


Nowadays, English language has become one of the largely spoken languages around the world. Therefore, learning English has become mandatory, and the necessity of everyone.

The best way to learn a language is to learn through their movies. Yes, we can learn any language from their native movies is the best way to learn. Because the language used in the movies is very natural and easily understandable for all. 


So in this article, we are going to learn some easy ways to learn English.

  • 4 easy ways that will help you to learn English through movies. And some movies that you must watch to improve your Sentence-Formation skills.

So Let's begin! I am sure most people have asked you to watch the same movie twice. And read the delayed subtitles, pause, then write the words that you have learned. But all of these suggestions make a movie very boring. But if you want to learn English and also be Entertained then here are the 4 ways that you can follow:

1: Start with simple movies to learn English which is made by people like you.

Let me explain, Movies made by people from some other land will have their cultural references are different. Things and phrases that we don't have come across yet. And because both the language and the reference are new to us, our brain shuts off completely and refuses to learn. So in the beginning, pick movies that are made by people who have the same accent as you, the same culture because that makes learning simple and familiar to us. Some Desi English movies that you can watch are Bride and Prejudice, Bend it like Beckham and Life of Pi. So pick any of these movies and 'Bring it on!' 

2: Who do you want to be?

As a kid, I wanted to be just like Viki from Small Wonder. A super-smart, super-strong robot. I wouldn't understand everything from that TV show but my brain made an extra effort to understand it because I was so in love with her character. So step 2 is to watch movies that connect with you at a personal level irrespective of who they are made by. For example, suppose you want to be a lawyer then watch movies like Legally Blonde, Liar Liar. If you want to learn public-speaking, watch movies like The King's Speech, Dead Poet's Society

Now there are 2 reasons why I am asking you to watch these types of movies. 

1. Since these are so closely related to who you are, you can learn English sentences from them that you can use in your daily conversations. 

2. Who knows? Because you like them so much, these characters might end up inspiring you to work hard in your respective careers. 

3: Try to understand different accents 

The way people use the English language all over the world is so different from each other.  So for this step, pick one accent a month esp. the one related to your work and watch movies of actors who have that accent. For the British, you can watch movies like Notting Hill, Kingsman, Love. For Australian, you can follow actors like Chris Hemsworth, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman

4: Become a Die-Hard Fan!

A die-hard fan is somebody who is 100% obsessed with their favorite game, movie, or person. And if you become a die-hard fan of a character then you will do everything to know more about them. For example, a Marvel fan will not just watch Marvel movies but also read all of its comics books. A Harry Potter fan will read all the 7 books (multiple times), will watch all the movies, and read all the fan-fiction articles online. And Christopher Nolan fans will watch the same movie 100's of time until they understand it.. just because they are Nolan fans. To find where your loyalties lie because once you become a 'fan' of something you will do everything to know more about it and in that process, also learn the English language. 



  • List of  5 genres of movies which I think you must watch to expand your horizons because after all variety is the spice of life. 

1: Animation movies- Watch movies like Finding Nemo, Croods, Shrek (all of 'em), Moana, How to Train Your Dragon (1,2 and 3). They have been made with kids in mind, so they'll also have simple sentences for you to learn from. 

2: Super-Hero movies- I would recommend watching movies. Spiderman (all), All the Avenger movies (like all of them), Jurassic World, and Star Wars. You should also watch Wonder Woman movie. All of these Super-Hero movies will also help you with step 4 i.e becoming a die-hard fan! 

3: Sci-Fi movies- If you want some out of the world entertainment then you must watch Avatar, The Martian, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, and Wall-E. 

4: Romance Movies- Notting Hill, The Fault In Our Stars, The Notebook, and P.S. I Love You. All of these 4 movies will make you cry like a small baby. 

5: Action movies- If there is one action series that you must be a fan of, its. John Wick because there is no one like Baba Yaga. And can also watch The dark knight, Deadpool, and Terminator.

I hope that you like this list and it will help you to learn English. If you also would like to share your movie list then comment us below and recommend some of your favorite Hollywood movies. So, I can also watch something new this weekend. 

#LearnEnglish #HollywoodMovies

Also, read learn basic greeting of french language.

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  1. Very informative article! I hope this article will beneficial for all who aspire to learn the English language. Keep sharing!!
